About Us


Hannah Allen

Bandhu Panda Founder

Hannah is inspired by children’s wonderful minds, energy, enthusiasm and spirit. Through her years of dedication working with primary aged children with specialism in Special Educational needs, she understands the value of investing time and energy into a child’s wellbeing so that they can access day to day life with confidence and positivity, in turn making for happy and inspired individuals.

Hannah is a qualified Children’s Yoga Teacher for 3-12 year olds with Kidz Yoga Worldwide. Hannah is also a qualified 200hr Yoga Teacher with Universal Yoga. Both course are accredited by Yoga Alliance. Hannah is also qualified in pregnancy and postnatal yoga with Sally Parkes Yoga

Hannah is a qualified teacher of over 10 years in both mainstream and specialist settings. In her most recent years, she has successfully set up and managed an Autism Provision in a mainstream setting supporting children to positively access their education where they have previously been unable to. The combination of her teaching expertise and her love of yoga, makes for very happy young yogi’s and a very grateful Hannah.

Mother of two, Hannah enjoys sharing her love of yoga with her children and seeing the positive impact it has on family life.